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Welcome to the School Portal of
Bagong Barrio National High School


       The LRMDS is a web-based catalog and repository of learning, teaching and professional development resources. It functions as a clearinghouse. That is, the LRMDS provides information about the location of resources (hardcopy and softcopy) and allows users of the system to access directly digitized versions of resources that are published and stored within the LRMDS repository.  It is also a quality assurance system providing support to DepED Regions, Divisions and Schools in the selection and acquisition of quality digital and nondigital resources in response to identified
local educational needs.

         The LRMDS is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Strengthened Learning Resource development and distribution systems at Regional and Divisional levels.



2. Improvement of instructional and learning materials system through support for the assessment, acquisition, adaptation, development, production, and distribution of teaching/learning materials to schools.

3. Digitized available student learning materials (including from PASMEP, PROBE, PRODED, BEAM, TEEP, SEDIP, etc), particularly for reading in the early grades and TLE programs, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades, ADM and ALS.

4. Enhanced provisions of quality instructional and learning materials, particularly in reading in early grades and TLE, English, Science, and Mathematics in other grades.

5. Modified and enhanced instructional and learning materials for implementing Alternative Delivery Modes and Learning Systems.

6. Improved development and utilization of Quality Assurance (including Monitoring and Evaluation) systems for provision and utilization of learning resources.

7. Development of ICTenabled solutions in the three regions, integrated with national systems, to support the strengthening of the learning resource support systems.



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